Monday, August 13, 2007
More Cool Happenings From Comic-Con
I had the utter delight of watching 20 Million Miles To Earth with Ray Harryhausen in the audience, telling us how he made the effects in the film. I attended two Stargate panels, and wandered the exhibit hall full of books, comics, films, and artists. I caught up with fellow writers Christopher Golden, Jeff Mariotte and Simon Wood, and made many new friends. One of my fave comic book writers and artists, Chris Wisnia, was in attendance. He does these brilliant giant monster comics. I picked up the newest Doris Danger: Where Giant Monsters Creep and Stomp digest, and thoroughly recommend it to everyone! Chris's work is hilarious, vibrant, and a must-have for anyone who enjoys giant monsters. I also got to see Ernie Hudson again, who is utterly engaging, interesting and friendly -- a real pleasure to talk to.
posted 12:04 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Scribe Panel and Autograph Session
Just got more photos from Comic-Con! During the Scribe Award panel, we were grinning like crazy after winning. Donald Bain, Andy Mangels, Jeff Mariotte, Alice Henderson, Marv Wolfman, David R. George III (photo by Sarah Panfil)
At the signing session after the panel, I had a great time talking with Don and Keith, and we signed quite a few books! Donald Bain, Alice Henderson, Keith R. A. DeCandido (photo by Sarah Panfil)
posted 1:35 AM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
More On The Scribe Awards!
Here are more photos from the Scribe Awards. The nominees and winners:  From left to right, Marv Wolfman, Christina York, Donald Bain, Max Allan Collins, Nathan Long, David R. George III, Jeff Mariotte, Alice Henderson. (Photo by Andy Mangels)  Me, completely ecstatic after winning! (Photo by Renee Paley-Bain)  The signing following the award ceremony. From the left, Donald Bain, Jeff Mariotte, Alice Henderson, Keith DeCandido. (Photo by Renee Paley-Bain)
posted 10:52 PM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The Scribe Award
This is what my Scribe Award looks like:  Very handsome, indeed! I am thrilled!
posted 2:06 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I Won A Scribe Award!
I am ecstatic to report that at the inaugural ceremony of the Scribe Awards, I won an award for Best Novel for Portal Through Time! Needless to say, I am walking on air, and my new handsome award sits on my writing desk now. Winners in other categories included Marv Wolfman, for his novel Superman Returns; Jeff Mariotte for his novels Las Vegas: High Stakes Game and 30 Days of Night: Rumors of the Undead, the latter co-written with Steve Niles; and Christa Faust, for her novel Snakes on a Plane. The delightful Donald Bain won the Grandmaster Award for his prolific contributions to the field of writing, including 90 novels. Photos were taken of the event, which I hope to post soon!
posted 10:52 PM
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